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Monday, August 5, 2013

Andrew & Lauren Engagement Portraits

This weekend was crazy wedding weekend!! Congratulations to Lindsay and Josh, they are now husband and wife, you can view their engagement portraits again here.

Well, more congratulations are in order because Lindsay's brother, Andrew, is engaged too! He asked Lauren to marry him this spring in Washington DC (where they live) among the cherry blossoms. How romantic :) We found some time on Friday evening amidst the crazy to get some portraits in. Andrew and Lauren's wedding is coming up this November. Can't wait to celebrate with you guys!!! LOVE YOU and Congratulations again on your engagement :D

Love this one!

They're such a cute couple

Ring shot

Close up! Gorgeous!


This one and the next one, I couldn't decide between them!

Last one, so cute :)

Thanks you guys, super excited for your wedding in a few months!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sayla Jane 2 year Portraits

I am hard-pressed to think of a better way to spend a sunny summer morning than photographing such a sweet toddler as Sayla! Whoever coined the term terrible two's never met Sayla, that's for sure! She has such a pleasant temperament, she was so happy - not to mention absolutely adorable.

 As usual, starting with one of my absolute favorites! She is so precious.


She does this cute face kind of frequently, eye brows raised but head neutral, haha. I think she's looking up at her momma :)

 She found some flowers. Look at those sweet little fingers!

 Baby profile! Love.

 Playing on the slide

Love this. Climbing back up to the slide!

So pretty, she looks like a baby doll!

 Another great smile! Baby dimples :)

Awww, love this one with momma!! Sweetness.

 Busy, busy girl - always on the move!

 Playing with some antique jewelry in a cute garden playhouse

 Baby girl loves to point at everything (this is another personal fav!)

 Baby feet!!!! So cute.

 She loved this little dog, it was just her size ;)

 Cute pie

Happy girl!

 Ending with my favorite favorite :) She's so adorable!

Thanks, guys! I hope you had as much as I did :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Lindsay's Bridal Shower

A few images from Lindsay's bridal shower, given by her grandma, aunts and cousins! We had such a blast the day of, and it was shenanigans all day long as usual :)

 To begin, the food!

Adorable cupcake toppers, bride and groom

 The bride and groom chocolate pretzels were a big hit too. They were almost too pretty to eat.

 Lovely china place settings

 I always feel fancy eating on pretty plates :)

The place settings along the table

Lindsay's (and my!) beautiful grandmas

 Let the gifting begin!

 Love this one with Aunt Connie and Grandma in the background. Enjoy that ice cream maker, girl! My ice cream maker is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets for sure.

 Photos of photos, hah.

I snuck up the stairs to paparazzi Lindsay

 One of the fun (not cheesy!) games we played

 Our adorable cousin, Olivia. Look at those cheeks, she's so stinkin' cute.  You may remember her from her newborn portraits

 Aaannnndddd one of Lindsay and her mommy to close :D

Happiness times a million to you and Josh, Lindsay :))))

Friday, June 21, 2013

Lindsay and Josh Engaged! :)

My cousin, Lindsay, and her fiance Josh are getting ready to celebrate their wedding...just a few short weeks and they will be husband and wife! We did some engagement shots this month after one of her bridal showers. Put on your running shoes, this is kind of a marathon post...but hey, they're such a cute couple :)

 See, I told you they were cute.

 We found an awesome white (or, at least it used to be white) fence to use as a prop

 This is one of my faves. Gorgeous Lindsay Louise.

 Piggy back ride!

I loved the fence

No, really, I loved the fence.
I  know these two are similar, but I couldn't decide which I liked better!

Ring shot, good job Josh ;)



Every girl wants to be twirled around!

Found some lilacs and a tiny little house with cute shutters

Absolutely one of my favorites, love to see them both laughing!

I got a nice little series of this exchange

Her foot popped ;) Can I get a shout out to Anne Hathaway's early acting days with Princess Diaries?? I've always thought Lindsay and Anne Hathaway resembled each other for some reason, so how appropriate!

Love Love Love this one. You're so pretty, girlfriend.

I am a sucker for a good ol' candid shot

Adorbs. Couldn't decide between the last two!

And just two more similar ones that I couldn't decide between, they're both sweet. So I combined them into one image for the blog, a series, if you will :)

Bye bye!

Can't wait for your wedding Aug 3rd, lovelies! It's going to be such a great day, love you guys :)