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Monday, July 22, 2013

Sayla Jane 2 year Portraits

I am hard-pressed to think of a better way to spend a sunny summer morning than photographing such a sweet toddler as Sayla! Whoever coined the term terrible two's never met Sayla, that's for sure! She has such a pleasant temperament, she was so happy - not to mention absolutely adorable.

 As usual, starting with one of my absolute favorites! She is so precious.


She does this cute face kind of frequently, eye brows raised but head neutral, haha. I think she's looking up at her momma :)

 She found some flowers. Look at those sweet little fingers!

 Baby profile! Love.

 Playing on the slide

Love this. Climbing back up to the slide!

So pretty, she looks like a baby doll!

 Another great smile! Baby dimples :)

Awww, love this one with momma!! Sweetness.

 Busy, busy girl - always on the move!

 Playing with some antique jewelry in a cute garden playhouse

 Baby girl loves to point at everything (this is another personal fav!)

 Baby feet!!!! So cute.

 She loved this little dog, it was just her size ;)

 Cute pie

Happy girl!

 Ending with my favorite favorite :) She's so adorable!

Thanks, guys! I hope you had as much as I did :)

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