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Monday, August 23, 2010

Olivia Rose, Newborn Portraits

Meet Olivia, she's a perfect newborn baby.
She was such a good sport, and so curious--full of facial expressions :)

Staring up at Mama

She was wide awake most of the time we were at her house :)

Such a pretty baby

Look at that sweet profile

This shot with the rose was her momma's idea, I loved it. (Her middle name is Rose)

Right after she ate, she was out! :)

Sweet, sweet baby foot!

One more of the feet, because who doesn't love baby feet??


Olivia and her daddy!

Little peanut!

Just had to get a close-up of that little peanut shot :)

Tiny little fingernails on such tiny baby hands

Look at those adorable scrunched lips!

Love this moment.

Love that she's still 'curled' like a newborn :)

The whole family!

To end, a personal favorite. You can see how tiny she is compared to her dad's hand!

Congratulations again, Chris and Sarah! She is so precious.

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