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Monday, June 24, 2013

Lindsay's Bridal Shower

A few images from Lindsay's bridal shower, given by her grandma, aunts and cousins! We had such a blast the day of, and it was shenanigans all day long as usual :)

 To begin, the food!

Adorable cupcake toppers, bride and groom

 The bride and groom chocolate pretzels were a big hit too. They were almost too pretty to eat.

 Lovely china place settings

 I always feel fancy eating on pretty plates :)

The place settings along the table

Lindsay's (and my!) beautiful grandmas

 Let the gifting begin!

 Love this one with Aunt Connie and Grandma in the background. Enjoy that ice cream maker, girl! My ice cream maker is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets for sure.

 Photos of photos, hah.

I snuck up the stairs to paparazzi Lindsay

 One of the fun (not cheesy!) games we played

 Our adorable cousin, Olivia. Look at those cheeks, she's so stinkin' cute.  You may remember her from her newborn portraits

 Aaannnndddd one of Lindsay and her mommy to close :D

Happiness times a million to you and Josh, Lindsay :))))

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