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Monday, November 22, 2010

Matala - the hippie caves

Matala is a famous beach on the south shore of Crete. Back in the 1960s hippies would come here and live in the caves all summer long. I don't think they ever completely left, there were definitely some wandering around during our visit.

It is believed that the caves were originally carved and used as grave sites.

Notice "welcome" spelled with two L's  :)

Playing on the beach!

Lukas scaled the rock face

My absolute favorite image of the day. Possibly one of my favorites I've ever taken (even if I was creepin' a little, I don't know her). It's tranquil and peaceful reading a book at the water's edge as the sun sets  :)

It was a beautiful place...

We actually took a hike (a rather steep one) to another beach, a red beach. I didn't bring my camera, anticipating a rough hike. When we arrived I wished that I had brought it--the landscape was spectacular.

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