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Friday, May 27, 2011


The next series of posts will be a reflection of a spectacular tour of Europe that my sister and I went on together. We spent a couple weeks traveling around...our first stop was Great Britain. London was one of our favorite cities! It was clean, smelled like fresh flowers (everything was in bloom), and was absolutely charming.

The famous telephone booths

The famous Buckingham Palace guards...this one was guarding the palace where Prince Charles is rumored to have resided for some time.

Buckingham Palace! The first time we visited was at ~1am, so we had it all to ourselves.

Big Ben and a partial view of the London Eye

The London Eye at night, overlooking the Thames

View of Big Ben and the Parliament building from across the bridge

Same viewpoint at nighttime

Obviously I was kind of obsessed with Big Ben...
but this stereotypical London scene was begging to be photographed.

Westminster Abbey and part of the Parliament building

The Peter Pan statue!!! This famous statue by Sir George Frampton in Kensington Gardens was one of my most highly anticipated sights to see. I was completely enchanted by the city of London, and the Peter Pan statue was the cherry on top. I love this statue.

221B Baker Street! The home of Sherlock Holmes.

The stunning Tower Bridge of London

We went to the London Ice Bar--it was awesome.

...and now...WILL AND KATE!! Holly and I were beyond lucky. We ended up at Buckingham Palace (by surprise) and found our way in front of the people who had been camping out for five days. Unbelievable. At one point we were swinging from the trees and were interviewed by a camera crew...we were on Belgian TV, haha.

The rest of the Royal Family...Prince Charles, Camilla, Her Majesty the Queen (in the yellow dress and hat), and then there's Pippa on the end too.

It was Royal Wedding Mania.

 The day after the wedding, the Today Show was filming (note Al Roker in the pink).

Westminster Abbey the day after the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were married there!

I know that was a huge post (expect the rest of the Europe posts to be huge as well, haha)...thanks for being patient and looking all the way through to the end!


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