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Monday, February 14, 2011

Random places around Kriti -- Part 1

This post is a mixture of different days and locations...just some of the subject matter which I've recently shot. Look for Part II coming in the next few days!

First, a lone tree growing in the sand on the beach near Ammoudara.

I snapped this image in Rethymno, I felt that this dilapidated building had much character.

This is actually a rusty old flag pole in Iraklio

An interesting Mediterranean-style building in Hania

Dog prints on the beach in the sand at sunset

Cute old man selling sunflower seeds. In case you can't read it, his sign says, "No Stress .80"

Rusty anchor at the harbor

For some reason I loved this clock.

That's all for now, don't forget to look for Part II, I'm saving most of my favorites...

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