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Monday, April 19, 2010

Jack and Becky :)

Meet Jack, the world traveler (he's been literally everywhere!), and Becky, a fantastic artist, and also my grandmother's cousin! We had a great time at a park in Novi :)

Sweet. Love this one.

The trees are beginning to bloom...Spring!

Warm sunlight :)

These yellow flowers are forsythia. LOVED them.

The forsythia had such a brilliant, saturated color!

Love the textures here, two type sof stone and the roofing tiles.

Jack and Becky showed me a little waltz.

Laughing at the idea that I may have been video recording rather than taking stills. I assured them that I didn't take any video of the waltzing. Haha!

Thanks, guys. I had so much fun photographing you two. Have fun in Germany!

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