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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Florence, Italy

Firenze! The home of Michaelangelo's David, the best wine I've ever had (and some of the best pasta), and the Pontevecchio :) Pure happiness.

The Duomo

Gold doors depicting biblical scenes

Lunch stop at this cute family cafe/restaurant

Corkscrews, new and old


The cruise

Here are a few images from my family's Mediterranean cruise. Fun!

We ate...and ate, and ate, and ate.


Some seriously delicious cannoli (but can't compare to Grandma DiCosola's, of course). Cocoa shell and orange zest in the ricotta mascarpone filling.

Mom and Dad eating these delectables.

My parents are so awesome.  <3 Love you.

The side of the ship, as we were all on the deck watching while we passed by an active volcano at sea...Mt. Stromboli (yes, stromboli!)

More photos from Italy and Spain to come!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Marseilles, France

I now understand what Belle was singing about in Beauty and the Beast, her provençal town in France :)
Here is just a short post from Marseille. My favorite part was seeing the island just off shore that inspired Alexandre Dumas to write his novel, The Comte de Monte Cristo!

We went to a cute little farmer's market on the coast.

Herbs at the farmer's market

The famous soaps from Marseille! Savon de Marseille <3

A stunning sculpture of Mary and Christ at the Our Lady cathedral on a hill overlooking the entire city.