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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Here are some images of my new home land!

Downtown Heraklion, this is St. Mark's Cathedral.

St. Mark's from a different angle

Inside the cathedral - so elaborate

Love this one

My favorite.

The Samaria Gorge...the longest gorge in Europe

Holly and I at the bottom of the gorge...don't know if I can take photo credit for this one, since it's self-timer. :)

Another view from the gorge...what a hike!

I think this image captures how my mind's eye sees Greece  :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Beautiful Santorini! Easily Top 5 on my 'Favorite Places I've Ever Been' list. Bestie, Holly, came to visit me, and we went to Santorini together, we had a blast :) I love you, Hosh!

This was one of our first views after we were picked up from the airport. Gorgeous.

The entrance to our incredible resort, Vedema.

Our resort had a private black sand beach. Oh, Vedema.

Needless to say, we felt like celebs.
(Did I mention Angelina Jolie recently stayed at Vedema?)

The blue dome-topped white stucco buildings signify religious structures.

I love this one. It's...rustic. :)

Santorini is famous for its steep cliffs. It used to be that the only way you could get up from the dock (sea level) was to ride a donkey! Even though they use vans/buses now, I liked seeing this guy with his caravan of donkeys.

Lots of bells associated with the churches.

One of my favorite images of the trip

Unique to Santorini

Ia is known for its famous sunsets.

This is Ia! White stucco dwellings wedged into the cliff side :)

And here is Ia at night.

Gorgeous sunset on the ferry back to Crete. I think this image is humorous, look at everyone else capturing the same moment. Technology. Haha.

A bit out of order, but to close, this is Holly and I upon disembarking the plane. We were PUMPED.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


This begins a three-part series of posts featuring my new home, Greece! First, Athens. Look for Crete and Santorini in the next few days :)

Grand entrance to the acclaimed Athens Archaeological Museum

Some ancient pottery

The Parthenon at night...we were so lucky to have been in Athens during the full moon...they kept the Parthenon open until 1am that night so that it could be seen by moonlight. Such a privilege!

The Parthenon again, this time at sunset.

Exhibit at the Archaeological Museum. Not to be cheesy, but it 'moved me.'  Haha :)

 Another one of my favorite pieces at the Museum

Sunset at the Acropolis

Part of the amphitheater at the Acropolis

 A stunning sculpture in the Museum

Those are some of my favorite shots in Athens. Look for Santorini next...