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Monday, August 23, 2010

Olivia Rose, Newborn Portraits

Meet Olivia, she's a perfect newborn baby.
She was such a good sport, and so curious--full of facial expressions :)

Staring up at Mama

She was wide awake most of the time we were at her house :)

Such a pretty baby

Look at that sweet profile

This shot with the rose was her momma's idea, I loved it. (Her middle name is Rose)

Right after she ate, she was out! :)

Sweet, sweet baby foot!

One more of the feet, because who doesn't love baby feet??


Olivia and her daddy!

Little peanut!

Just had to get a close-up of that little peanut shot :)

Tiny little fingernails on such tiny baby hands

Look at those adorable scrunched lips!

Love this moment.

Love that she's still 'curled' like a newborn :)

The whole family!

To end, a personal favorite. You can see how tiny she is compared to her dad's hand!

Congratulations again, Chris and Sarah! She is so precious.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Class of 2011 - Madison

It's another huge senior post! Madison's senior portraits are finished, and it was so hard for me to narrow down which ones to put up on the blog! She's so photogenic, and makes my job easy :)

Let's start with a personal favorite (can you see the horse in the background?)

Love the country feel of this!

Such great lighting here

Madi, are you sure you're not a model??

We ventured down to the beach...

Love the lens flare in this

She was not afraid to get in the water!

We found a great bridge

Cracking up!

Madison had some great shoes, again.

I really like this one.

She wanted some 'with buildings in the background' :)

Pretty girl

These would most likely not be ordered for a Senior, but I loved them, so I wanted to post them :)

Love this one on the bridge!

To end, surrounded by Black Eyed Susans

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Jersey Shore

Yes, the Jersey Shore. No, I didn't see Snooki.  :)

I guess it's a pretty popular vacation spot...the beach was PACKED.

Cutest little girl with an insane wedgie on the Boardwalk

The Boardwalk's full of shops. Salt water taffy!

...and fudge.

In order to use the beach you have to buy 'beach tags'

My absolute favorite thing to eat in the Philadelphia area--water ice from Rita's
(notice the cup is empty, haha)

Walking down the Boardwalk

Beach dunes
These last few are from a trip to the park with Leni and Tim


My favorite.